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Nieuws - Nedlloyd Pensioenfonds wint IPE Gold Award 2016


Op 13 mei 2016 ontving onze klant Nedlloyd Pensioenfonds (NPF) een IPE Gold Award in de categorie ‘Best Small Real Estate Investor’. De prijs werd uitgereikt naar aanleiding van de ingrijpende herstructurering die NPF in zijn vastgoedportefeuille heeft doorgevoerd. De jury (volledige artikel) prees NPF voor de “impressive steps to address the challenges of the existing strategy and implement its replacement in a creative solution with clear strategic logical goals and attention to liquidity risk”.

In reactie op de uitreiking schreef NPF: “IPE Real Estate’s annual event is one of the most prestigious events of our industry; it ensures that we stay informed about the latest relevant topics, and it provides us with a great platform to share views with our peers and service providers. Being awarded at this event with the Gold Award for Best Small Real Estate Investor,  by a jury consisting of industry experts, is an honour and a major accomplishment for  Nedlloyd Pension Fund. It is also a testimony to the fact that our strategy-based, disciplined, long-term approach to real estate helps to reduce risks, and to improve the quality and performance of our real estate portfolio. Our advisor Almazara | Real Assets Advisory has helped us to design and implement this strategy, and we share this honour with them.”

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